A new approach to education discovery

Loper's interactive experience brings a refreshed approach to your first touchpoints with your future students. Shape your school's perception with Loper's users to capture your future class.

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Frequently asked questions

How do institutions use Loper?

Loper is a direct-to-student channel that empowers institutions to gamify and personalize their top-of-funnel messaging to generate high-intent applicant interest.

How do I put content on Loper?

We're your partner in strategic content creation so your marketing and admissions teams don't need to learn a new tool. We'll work with you to build the right messaging and never publish anything without your approval.

Does Loper integrate with my systems?

Loper directly integrates with your internal CRM to transfer comprehensive information about your engaged audience, so you can personalize your internal comms flows too!

How do you manage my school's profile?

Loper gathers data about institutions through IPEDs, Peterson's Data, your CDS, and a suite of other providers to build a comprehensive view of your institution's characteristics. Loper partners can customize their profile appearance on the app.

What kinds of students use Loper?

We're on a mission to empower students toward their best education. Today, students around the nation use Loper as young as 8th grade through their graduating semester of high school. We're supported by thousands of counselors around the nation that use Loper in their schools to kickstart exploration.

How does Loper engage throughout the admissions journey?

Loper builds touchpoints from discovery through deposit on a mobile-native channel to meet students on their turf. A suite of marketing features help institutions engage with Loper's community throughout the admissions journey.